Our global reach

The Oxfam Confederation reached 15.6 million people across 90 countries with life-saving aid, advocacy, support and training this year.

See where we made a difference around the world.

Oxfam Australia Projects

Oxfam Confederate Projects

Click on the red markers to see our regional impact

Map of the world, with the various countries that the Oxfam International Federation does work in, and countries where Oxfam Australia works in. Please see the pins for a detailed country listing.

Latin America

Development projects
Projects 1
Participants Over 100 95 women
Emergency response
Responses 1
People reached in emergencies Over 5,000
Influencing and advocacy
Initiatives 1
People influenced Over 3,000 3 organisations
Countries where we work
Colombia, Mexico


Development projects
Projects 2
Participants Over 1,600 Over 950 women
Emergency response
Responses 2
People reached in emergencies Over 873,000 including over 428,000 women
Influencing and advocacy
Initiatives 1
People influenced 800 people taking action 37 organisations
Countries where we work
Ethiopia, Malawi, Somalia, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Maghreb and the Middle East

Development projects
Projects 2
Participants Over 250 Over 100 women
Emergency response
Responses 3
People reached in emergencies Over 289,000 including over 66,000 women
Influencing and advocacy
Initiatives 2
People influenced 1 million Over 62 organisations
Countries where we work
Jordan, Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territories, Syria, Yemen.


Development projects
Projects 27
Participants Over 273,000 Over 161,000 women
Partners 220+
Emergency response
Responses 4
People reached in emergencies 192,410 people including 100,071 women
Influencing and advocacy
Initiatives 16
People influenced Over 109,900 139 organisations Taking action with Oxfam = Over 55,000
People Engaged Over 25,000
Countries where we work
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam.


Development projects
Projects 35
Participants Over 52,000 29,000 women
Partners Over 105
Emergency response
Responses 6
People reached in emergencies Over 45,000 including 22,000 women
Influencing and advocacy
Initiatives 2
People influenced Over 116,000 11 organisations
Countries where we work
Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu.


Development projects
Projects 2
Participants Over 14,200 7,060 women
Partners Over 7 partners on First Peoples' justice projects
Influencing and advocacy
Initiatives 6
People influenced Over 170
Campaigns and Coalition
Initiatives 3
People taking action Over 4,000

Thanks to people like you

Group of 7 people are sitting around a circle in a forest.

people received vital support, including 813,000 women

Woman wearing a red headscarf is wearing a mask and holding a baby.

33 countries have life-changing projects in motion

A man is standing outside and smiling.

people received life-saving aid during emergencies

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